Thursday, November 12, 2009

To Whom Shall I Be Afraid?

PSA 1:21 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Let me speak for a moment about The God I serve. The God I serve created the heavens, earth, stars, moon, sun, mountains, rivers, flowers, people such as you and I, and all that our eyes and ears have beheld and all that they have not yet to behold simply by speaking His Word. He just spoke and everything was so created. The God I serve locked up the jaws of a lion (which He created) and delivered Daniel from a most certain death. He walked around in a fiery furnace along with three young men that refused to serve anyone or anything other than the God who kept them from being destroyed by those flames. The God I serve came to earth, put on the flesh of mortal man, went to a cross and there freely died so you and I would not have to, and yet the grave could not hold Him; He arose from that grave alive so you and I may also have the chance to truly live.

More amazing to me than all of these things is that he took a worthless young punk that cared nothing for anyone or anything (including himself), a young man that certainly was the greatest sinner this world would ever see, a young man full of anger, hatred and who deserved nothing less than all the fires of hell. He took that young man and did the imposable, He picked him up out of the pit of destruction, wrapped His arms around him, washed him clean of every impurity that stained him, replaced the anger and hatred with His unconditional Love, and then He set this young man upon an unmovable rock where he still stands to this day. Of course I am that young man.

As I write this my daughter is lying in bed with this feared H1N1 influenza virus, yet I lack the fear that the media has worked so hard to instill into all of us. The reason....He has replaced the fear of man with His Love that casts out all fear. The God that I serve can do what ever pleases Him. The God that can do all of the things mentioned above can certainly do such a small thing as to keep my family safe from some little bug (which He created). Yet I am reminded of the wonderful words that those three young men that where saved from the fiery death of the furnace said just before they where thrown in..."if God delivers us from this fire or not...We Will Not Bow." I will not bow to the god of fear. I will not give in to the taunts of my enemy because my Lord is the light and my salvation; whom shall I fear. He is the stronghold of my life; to whom shall I be afraid?

Today I am not just thinking... Today I am believing.        

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